We Survive On Volunteers & Donations

We don't have a steady income and rely fully on volunteers and generous supporters like you to cover our operational costs in meeting essential health needs throughout the Amazon basin. We also count on our supporters for meeting our medical supply needs via Medical Supply Donations or through financial gifts. Please consider supporting us and our mission through our easy Medical Missions PayPal option. A one-time donation is essential in meeting our needs, but a long term recurring donation is what we hope for to help us scale up our missions work throughout the Amazon. If you are interested in supporting and are looking for a tax-deductible option, see the possibilities below.
Tax-Deductible Donating
You can give online by donating via PayPal or by going to Global Partners' Donations via the link. Go to the bottom of the page and enter WM10-0309 for the fund number; enter Peru Medical Team in the description box; enter a specific team member's name or 'general donation' in the notes box; fill out your desired amount; and select if you would like a recurring donation. After clicking 'Add Donation' the online system will walk you through making a donation and setting up an account.
Thanks for supporting our mission!
Donors can call Global Partners at 800.707.7715. Ask to donate for the Peru Medical Team. You will then be asked for the fund number (WM10-0309), and a team member's name or tell them 'general donation.' The support team will walk you through the rest of the process.
Thanks for supporting our mission!
United States Mail
Donors can send checks payable to Global Partners, P.O. Box 50434, Indianapolis, IN, 46250. The fund number (WM10-0309) should be in the memo line of the check, ensuring that it goes into the right account. An accompanying note/slip/card must be included, specifying which team member you seek to support (If it is a non-specific donation, just don't include the note/slip/card).
Make sure the team member's name is NOT written on the check at all!
Thanks for supporting our mission!