The Rural Amazonian Health Initiative
The Rural Amazonian Health Initiative
Media // Video Clips // Peru 2013 Video Clip //

Peru 2013 Video Clip

This video was made by Jon Stofer using some of the photos and videos that were taken on our May 2013 Peruvian medical mission trip as part of The Rural Amazonian Health Initiative. It is titled 'Experiencing Peruvian Medical Missions' because it provides a little insight into what we do, why we do it, and who we do it for. The song that you hear in the background is called Gold by Owl City, a song that talks about chasing dreams and keeping people near your heart because of how much they mean to you. This ministry is very close to our hearts and we seek to share a little bit of the experience with you. The people shine with a light and are our treasure that we hold dear. 

"God isn't lookin for people with great faith, but for individuals who are ready to follow Him. God's work done in God's way will never lack God's supply." -Hudson Taylor