Global Partners

Many times we hear "who is Global Partners and what do they do." Global Partners is the mission arm of The Wesleyan Church. As a dynamic leader in modern missions Global Partners brings together resources, personnel and other organizations to make an impact in the lives of people around the world. Global Partners serves more than 90 countries with over 230 missionaries. The mission to exalt Jesus Christ by calling and mobilizing believers to global ministries of evangelism, church planting, leadership development and ministries of compassion is strong. For more details click on the link to the Global Partners website.
Every Wesleyan serving in fulfillment of the Great Commission.
To exalt Jesus Christ by calling and mobilizing believers to global ministries of evangelism, church planting, leadership development and ministries of compassion.
Core Values
- Redemptive Relationships: We engage the world relationally, seeking to lead the lost to faith in Christ while walking in right relationship with God and our co-laborers.
- Incarnational Living and Ministry: By learning local languages and identifying with our host culture, we seek to remove every stumbling block to faith but Christ Himself as we share the gospel.
- Holistic Expression of the Gospel: We serve the nations in word and deed, proclaiming and demonstrating the lordship of Jesus Christ over all things.
- Reproducible and Sustainable Ministries: We desire to see each field partner in the cause of reaching the entire world for Christ, therefore, we will develop ministries that are not solely dependent upon North American resources, rather self-governing, self-propagating, and self-supporting.
- Developmental Focus: Our missionaries will strive to reach their full potential in Christ through intentional and focused measures of personal and team development.
- Culture of Prayer: Recognizing our complete dependence on God, prayer will be the fuel of all our ministry endeavors.
- Ministry in Team: Our greatest effectiveness in ministry comes as we serve as the body of Christ, we will strive to develop healthy and dynamic teams on each of our fields.