The Rural Amazonian Health Initiative
The Rural Amazonian Health Initiative
Partner Organizations //

Our Essential Partnerships

We wouldn't be able to serve the people we seek to serve without the partnerships and essential services of different organizations. Global Partners is one of our most significant relationships as they are the non-profit, non-governmental organization that we often work directly with. We also work closely with MAP International, a global Christian health non-profit organization that we utilize to obtain and provide essential medications in our clinics. Indiana Wesleyan University has had a deep impact in our ministry and provided the necessary ingredients to lead successful trips and begin our initiative in the first place. Within the last few years we have formed a relationship with the organization called People of Peru Project and led teams with them in order to more sustainably meet the needs of the Peruvian Amazon.


You can see how essential our partnerships are. Both our partnerships and our mission function on self-support and donations. To find donation options click on the 'Donate' button or click on the 'Donate' page on the sidebar!